Print Design for the kids

Designing for kids or creating prints catering to that particular area has always been a challenge for me. Doodling or complicated damask, pen and  inks are my comfort zone. I actually do not have to think on those subjects, but to create a format or motif for kids takes me months to come up with. I still have not  figured out why so, but I would like to blame  it on the "designers have their own niche syndrome"  which brings me back to my post as to why I decided to indulge in the area that forces me to "brain storm" at the first place. As a mother, when I sit with my girls to draw with them, sometimes they would ask me "mamma make me drawing of a dog or cat etc. and like all parents I oblige, the drawings are rarely accurate (we all aren't natural Da Vinci's here) but the caricatures or flat two dimensional images made my kids happy, they would color it , keep it, collect it.

What intrigued me the most was that the children recognized the animals with mere shapes , it didn't need the eyes or mouth, the snout with four legs was an elephant , four legs regardless of size with stripes was a zebra, so I decided to make a print with various repeat formats using that same concept.
I remember, while working on this design, my daughters would come up and say...."look elephant!"
Or "its a turtle mama, look ,look!!" their excitement knew no bounds. I guess, perhaps that was the best part of the print making.
Hope you enjoy it too.




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