connecting art continues

This post entry is a continuation of the floral acrylic connecting art paintings that I had written about earlier on in my blog. This two piece connecting art canvas has large flowers which I have converted in to a mirrored repeat pattern and then mapped it on to home furnishing and home goods products. I have also done two color ways of the same design, mapped on to products with the same background color(off white) to avoid too much color distraction and appreciate the design in its full capacity.

This is what I have come up with.

Initial design converted from acrylic on canvas series

I decided to create a baroque look to this design, it gave me a Victorian feeling once I was done with  color combinations for this particular design pattern. I chose to go with a continuous design pattern.
This is what income up with.

The design seemed to me, perfect for wall paper but I decided to go for a not so obvious approach and decided to try and map this design on to a bed's headboard, to somehow alleviate the look of the entire room by adding just bare minimum, under budget and yet stay classy.

I also went ahead and mapped it on a plate from a dinner set, just to see what effect it would have on this set of products, I loved the results. Wouldn't mind a set like these in my collection.



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