Floral connecting art

The acrylic and pen designs are my favorite passing time,a hobby, a way to relax my mind while I think about what to work on my next collection of  print designs or jewelry pieces.Its my method of venting out so to speak. 
Most of my designs usually are floral with spirals, over the years that kind designs and prints have become my "signature" something that comes easily to me without even thinking about how and where I would place a certain motif while starting the print on any surface or working on photoshop. I assume that each designer would have a preference of certain kind of motifs and designs that becomes their strength or their "niche", a preference, a signature of theirs which defines them as a particular kind of print designer they are, which could range from children's patterns, lines, stripes, foliage, shapes, seasonal etc. to be honest an artist is an interesting enigma of its own.
Here is some of my floral connecting art on canvas. My favorite doodling work.


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