How my mind works...The Pattern/Print/Design Process #1

From time to time people when find out about me being a Textile Print Designer often ask me how I go about my process. I think every designer or an artist has their own particular process, or a starting point which may culminate in to something completely different from what they started off with or perhaps exactly the same thing they had  intended to end up with. For me, its always start with a random line or doodle and see where it takes you.
Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy the ultimate results that I end up most often then not., probably the only time I enjoy surprises!
Like I mentioned earlier I usually start with a small motif that I would have sketched out in my sketch book and then scan it over and open the file on Photoshop and take it from there. (Yes there are easier and less complicated way to sketch altogether from scratch on the computer but like I mentioned each of us have a preferred process)
Here are a motif to final designs "brain storming" so as to say to a final Print.
Hope you enjoy.


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