Woven Yardage

My weaving temptation got me to weave a larger width and length this time. I decided to weave yardages utilizing the basic weave design patterns (nothing fancy just weave a fabric to enjoy the true beautiful pattern design of the fabric and the potential a fabric holds). I decided to work with a basic weave design called the Rose Pattern Weave and a Reverse Rose Pattern Weave, using only white cotton yarn as the warps and one single cotton colored yarn Pink for the Rose Pattern Weave design and Blue cotton colored yarn for the Reverse Rose Pattern weave design as wefts.

I woven about 3 yards in length and 45 inches width for the Rose Pattern Weave design pattern and 4 yards with the same width using the Reverse Rose pattern weave. I thoroughly enjoyed weaving my own personal yardages of fabrics to be used to create almost any kind of product out of it. There is no comparision to a handwoven fabric its simply just beautiful.


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